Press Release

Time for a reboot on LGBTI rights in Europe as Rainbow Map reveals a disturbing stand-still

As the 2021 Rainbow Europe Map reveals widespread and almost complete stagnation on human rights of LGBTI people, we are at a juncture when governments can actively […]
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Press Release

Survey finds that LGBTIQ organisations and homeless services across Europe are dealing with large numbers of LGBTIQ youth homelessness

A survey of 71 organisations across 32 European countries finds that over 60% have worked with LGBTIQ youth experiencing homelessness, while homeless services lack the […]
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Press Release

Finland violated rights of a lesbian mothers’ child by rejecting his asylum application, UN finds

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child found that Finland failed to consider the best interests of the child of a lesbian couple when assessing his asylum request. Now the country is under an obligation to provide reparation.
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Press Release

ILGA-Europe’s 10th Annual Review shows that as a result of the unprecedented events of 2020, LGBTI people and communities in Europe have been pushed to the brink

After an extraordinary year, Europe has been awoken to the acute fragility of the human rights situation for LGBTI people across the region, says ILGA-Europe.
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Press Release

Turkish government steps up its attacks on LGBTI+ citizens

Europe’s leading LGBTI+ rights organisation, ILGA-Europe are alarmed to observe that in the past week the Turkish government has stepped up its systematic attacks on and defamation of LGBTI+ people and calls on President Erdo?an to guarantee the fundamental rights of all minorities without discrimination, as enshrined in the country’s Constitution.
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Press Release

European Court must rule in favour of a child at risk of statelessness and her family’s freedom of movement in the EU, say leading LGBTI rights organisations

Authorities in Bulgaria have not recognised the valid EU birth certificate of the child of a same-sex couple. On February 9, the Court of Justice of the European Union must clarify that if you are a parent in one EU country, you are a parent in every EU country.
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Press Release

LGBTI rights groups welcome judgement finding Romania in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights because of a lack of proper legal framework for legal gender recognition

Romania has been found to be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights because its authorities present transgender people with an impossible dilemma. 
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Press Release

The European Court of Human Rights finds Croatian response to violent homophobic attack fosters impunity for hate crime

A judgement issued today by the European Court of Human Rights finds that the response of Croatian authorities to a hate crime against a lesbian woman was “particularly destructive of fundamental human rights”.
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Press Release

Poland: All charges against LGBTI rights defenders charged for peaceful activism must be dropped, say Human Rights NGOs

The trial of three women accused of “offending religious beliefs” will take place, tomorrow on January 13 in Plock, Poland. The activists face up to two years in prison for disseminating posters of the Virgin Mary with a rainbow halo symbolic of the LGBTI flag. Six international human rights NGOs are calling for all charges to be dropped, and for the Polish authorities to amend their legislation and bring it in line with international and regional human rights standards. 
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Press Release

Turkey: 19 LGBTI Pride marchers must be acquitted in forthcoming trial

Turkey must uphold its domestic and international commitments, and dismiss all charges against 19 human rights defenders, prosecuted for their participation in a peaceful Pride march at Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara in May 2019, says Europe’s largest LGBTI rights umbrella organisation, ILGA-Europe.
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Press Release

EU shifts gear with adoption of LGBTIQ Equality Strategy

The publication today of a five-year EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy marks a qualitative shift from the European Commission towards playing its full role to defend and protect LGBTI rights in times of real backlash, says Europe’s largest LGBTI umbrella organisation, ILGA-Europe.
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Press Release

Poland is violating the fundamental rights of EU citizens and blatantly disregarding EU treaties and standards

The European Commission and member states are duty bound to hold Poland accountable to EU Treaties, asserts ILGA-Europe, alongside two Polish equality organisations, in a legal complaint citing the violation of fundamental rights of the EU by inciting hatred and discrimination against LGBTI people.
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Press Release

Poland: International institutions must protect LGBTI citizens and ensure the immediate release of activists

After nearly 2 years of mounting pressure, things came to a boiling point yesterday, August 7, in Warsaw. A spontaneous protest related to the “preventative detention” of an LGBTI activist, Margot Szutowicz, resulted in 48 arrests and extensive police brutality last night. More protests, and more arrests, are expected today as the repression of LGBTI people goes unabated.
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Press Release

ILGA-Europe, TGEU and Transvanilla welcome landmark judgement from the European Court of Human Rights recognising the right of refugees to legal gender recognition

In the judgement Rana v. Hungary delivered today, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held that Hungary had breached its obligation to protect the right to private life under Article 8 of the Convention by rejecting the application of an Iranian transgender refugee to have his name and sex marker changed officially.
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Press Release

Hungary rolls back legal protections, puts trans and intersex people at risk

TGEU, ILGA-Europe, IGLYO, and OII Europe condemn decision of Hungarian Parliament to follow the government and restrict access to fundamental rights for trans and intersex people.
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Press Release

FRA’s 2nd LGBTI Survey points to clear need for decisive and immediate action by the EU

There has been little progress in the lived experience of LGBTI people in Europe over the past seven years. This is a clear message coming out of the report on the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)  2nd LGBTI survey published yesterday.
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Press Release

ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map Points To Make-or-Break Moment for LGBTI Rights in Europe

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, the annual ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map shows we have come to a pivotal moment for LGBTI people’s human rights in the region.
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Press Release

ILGA-Europe welcomes judgement from the Court of Justice of the European Union saying that a homophobic statement on an Italian radio show constituted discrimination in employment

In a judgement delivered on 23 April 2020, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) held that statements made by a lawyer during a radio programme, saying he would never recruit a “homosexual” or wish to use the services of such persons, fall within the material scope of EU Directive 2000/78 (‘the anti-discrimination directive’).
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Press Release

#Drop33: Europe’s Two Largest Networks of LGBTI and Transgender Organisations call on Hungarian Parliament to Reject Attempts to Ban Legal Gender Recognition

ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe, the two largest networks of LGBTI and trans organisations in Europe and Central Asia, representing over 800 organisations and groups across the region collectively, are calling on the Hungarian Parliament and the Justice Committee of the Parliament to drop Article 33 of a legislative omnibus bill, which would deny access to legal gender recognition in the country.
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Press Release

Annual Review of the situation of LGBTI people paints a picture at odds with a widespread notion that in Europe the work is done

Amid rising hate speech and crime, vulnerable people across Europe find themselves disconnected from the popular story of the region’s success in securing LGBTI rights, major human rights review finds.
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Press Release

Re-opening Accession Talks with the Western Balkans is Crucial for Protecting LGBTI Rights

A letter sent today (27 January) to the Croatian Presidency by ILGA-Europe and the Equal Rights Association (ERA) stresses that opening accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania is critical in protecting LGBTI rights.
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