We work for LGBTI people's safety, equality and freedom

In collaboration with and on behalf of over 700 LGBTI member organisations across Europe and Central Asia, we are a driving force for political, legal and social change.
Rainbow Map 2024 is live!

Find out the legal and policy situation for the human rights of LGBTI people in Europe.

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Our Annual Review 2024 is out now!

It provides a snapshot of what happened during the year, at national, regional and international levels, and it documents progress and trends regarding the human rights situation of LGBTI people.

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Activists look to the future

Take a look at our zine of ‘Speculative Futures’ interviews, set in the year 2040, with LGBTI activists from across the region.

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ACCEPT – Strength in solidarity and a call for change

The Romanian LGBTI organisation, ACCEPT plays an important role in co-hosting the ILGA-Europe conference this year. Co-president Teo Ion-Rotaru shares her insights into what the […]
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Meet our Annual Conference hosts: MozaiQ – The courage to grow the movement in Romania

As the ILGA-Europe annual conference approaches, we turn our focus to one of the local co-hosts, MozaiQ, an organisation that has played a crucial role […]
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Joint statement: Kazakhstan risks further affiliating with Russia after MP requested to ban a leading LGBTI human rights group as “extremist”.

The recent initiative of a Member of Parliament of Kazakhstan to designate as “extremist” and ban an LGBTI civil society organisation, violates Kazakhstan’s human rights […]
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Safety and rights for lesbians in Europe

On International Lesbian Day, we highlight the recent report by the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination, emphasising the need for targeted policies to protect lesbians […]
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Joint statement: EU Court of Justice strengthens trans rights by calling for the automatic recognition in birth certificates

ACCEPT, TGEU and ILGA-Europe welcome today’s decision of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU)   said that the refusal of an EU Member State […]
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Annual Conference logo launch: The Power of Curaj

Learn about the courage captured in our branding for this year’s ILGA-Europe conference As we launch our new logo for the ILGA-Europe conference in Bucharest, […]
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Call for participants: Meeting on national-level actions to end conversion practices

On 6 December 2024, ILGA-Europe will host a one-day in-person meeting in Brussels, Belgium, for up to 20 activists to talk about strategies and lessons […]
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State of Play: SOGIESC protections in the Council of Europe region

The Council of Europe (COE) is currently conducting its 3rd review of the implementation of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5, which outlines measures to […]
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Breaking down the Come Out 4 Europe campaign

ILGA-Europe’s Come Out 4 Europe campaign launched on March 4, 2014 and ran for three months in the lead up to the European Elections the […]
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25 years of bi+ visibility and the rise of the Bi+ Equal umbrella

As we celebrate 25 years of Bi+ Visibility Day, today’s blog is all about a newly organised initiative that’s gaining momentum in Europe. For today’s […]
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Boost your communications and campaigning skills with our free, easy-access sessions for LGBTI activists

In the ever-evolving landscape of LGBTI activism, staying ahead with the right tools and strategies is essential. At ILGA-Europe we offer free training from experts […]
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Joint statement: Welcoming European Court judgement on Poland’s failure to protect same-sex couples married abroad

The European Court of Human Rights has found that Poland breached the right to respect for the family life of two same-sex Polish couples married […]
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Statement: The President of Georgia must not sign “On Family Values and the Protection of Minors” legislative package into law

ILGA-Europe call on President of Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili not to sign into law a draconian anti-LGBTI package that will have far-reaching negative impacts on lives […]
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Joint statement: EU Court of Justice Advocate General calls on Hungary to correct trans refugee’s gender marker in national registries

Háttér Society, ILGA-Europe and TGEU welcome an opinion from the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union stating that Hungarian immigration […]
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Joint statement: Trans children and young people in schools deserve safety and understanding

This statement was drafted by IGLYO with input from UK inclusive education experts and Members, and was endorsed by ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe (TGEU). Returning […]
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Creative ways allies supported us in Pride 2024

As Pride season 2024 comes to a close, we highlight some of the most innovative and impactful initiatives by our allies that have stepped up […]
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Skills Boost: Useful communications strategies for LGBTI groups: Take it to the next level

Register here to join us at 12:00 CEST (noon), Wednesday 25 September for a 60-minute Skills Boost session designed for LGBTI activists who want to […]
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Rainbow Digest August 2024

Bulgaria adopts a fast-tracked law banning the portrayal of LGBTI identities ILGA-Europe have condemned a fast-tracked law banning the portrayal of LGBTI identities in Bulgarian […]
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Interview with Denitsa Lyubenova: Bulgaria’s LGBTI crisis and what the international community can do to help

Amidst growing oppression, Bulgarian activists rally for LGBTI rights and call for European solidarity Bulgaria has recently passed a draconian law banning “LGBTI propaganda” in […]
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How did Finland and Greece end up in the same place on the Rainbow Map?

In 2024, Greece and Finland have found themselves sharing the same spot—sixth place—on ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map, and that tells us a lot about the diverse […]
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Digital advertising for LGBTI activists: What we learned at the latest ILGA-Europe Skills Boost

At ILGA-Europe, one of our goals is to equip activists with new skills and knowledge to help them amplify their voices and make a meaningful […]
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Press Release

Bulgaria passes anti-LGBTI propaganda law

ILGA-Europe have condemned a fast-tracked law banning the portrayal of LGBTI identities in Bulgarian educational institutions, warning that it is an attack on children’s rights and […]
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LGBTI activism in the new far-right era

Activists in the Balkans, Greece, Italy and Poland talk about the shared challenges across Europe as the far-right continues to gain ground. As the far-right […]
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Joint statement on Italian Constitutional Court ruling on non-binary & trans persons’ rights

ILGA-Europe and TGEU welcome a judgement of the Italian Constitutional Court finding that non-binary peoples’ rights are protected under the Italian Constitution In a judgment […]
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Rainbow Digest July 2024

The Turkish LGBTI+ community resists bans on Pride events This year’s Pride season in Turkey saw continued bans on LGBTI+ themed events, as well as […]
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The Frontline: Navigating Team Wellbeing

Joining us to discuss the ins and outs organisational wellbeing us are three expert guests who bring diverse perspectives and deep experience in the field: […]
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Latvia failed to protect human rights of victim of a homophobic attack, european Court finds

The European Court of Human rights has made a judgement in a case where the Latvian authorities declined to prosecute an anti-LGBTI attack as a […]
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The Turkish LGBTI+ community resists bans on Pride events again this year, amid increased repression from the Turkish government

Amid increased repression from the government, the Turkish LGBTI+ community courageously and creatively resists bans on Pride events again this year This year’s Pride season […]
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Joint Statement: Human rights groups regret outcome of European Court ruling on France’s criminalisation policies in relation to sex work

On 25 July, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in M.A. and Others v. France that there has been no violation of Article […]
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Who was at the ILGA-Europe Equality Fundraiser?

A night of celebration and solidarity brought together a diverse array of supporters committed to advancing LGBTI human rights On 4 July 2024, Brussels was […]
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We work for a world in which each and every LGBTI person is free, equal and safe, through resourcing and connecting communities, driving political change, and amplifying voices.

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Our Work by Topic

Inclusion and Equality

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Civil Rights and Freedom

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Bodily Integrity

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Legal Protection

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