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European court hears landmark case on trans rights in Hungary

The Court of Justice of the European Union held a significant hearing today concerning legal gender recognition for trans people in Hungary Today, the Court […]
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Top European Court Strikes Out Case Against Azerbaijan for LGBTI Arrest and Torture

Last week, the European Court of Human Rights decided to strike out A. v Azerbaijan and 23 other applications. The case involved a wave of […]
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Press Release

Trans and intersex rights at the forefront of positive change for LGBTI people in Europe, Rainbow Map finds

Despite intense anti-LGBTI attacks in several countries, equality is still advancing across Europe, ILGA-Europe’s annual Rainbow Map and Index shows.
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Intersex people are among the most vulnerable among the LGBTI population, study finds

A new report from ILGA-Europe in association with OII Europe finds that Intersex people experience some of the highest levels of discrimination and marginalisation of all groups surveyed in the most recent cross-European LGBTI study.
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For good and bad: The trending impacts on LGBTI human rights in Europe and Central Asia

The most striking finding of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review 2023 is a stark rise in the ferocity of anti-LGBTI hate and violence reported in Europe and Central Asia. But alongside this worrying trend, there are positive developments in areas such as legal gender recognition, public support, intersex human rights and civil society. Here are the key highlights.
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Press Release

Deadliest Rise in Anti-LGBTI Violence in Over a Decade, our annual Report Shows

12 years into annually reporting on the human rights situation of LGBTI people, Europe’s leading LGBTI equality organisation finds that pervasive hate speech across the region has led to life or death consequences.
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How activism led the way forward to protect intersex children in Greece

To mark #IntersexAwarenessWeeks we look into the efforts and experiences of activists in Greece, who worked for many months alongside the national government, resulting in the country becoming just the fifth in the world to ban intersex genital mutilations on children.
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Joint statement on Protecting Abortion Access in Europe

AS the decision by the United States Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, thereby dismantling the US constitutional right to abortion, ILGA-europe joins the center […]
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Children born intersex are at risk in most European countries. Here’s why

ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map of the legal situation for LGBTI people in Europe has a brand-new category: Intersex Bodily Integrity. It’s an essential expansion, because in across Europe and Central Asia, intersex people, and especially children, are still at risk.
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Press Release

Behind the smokescreen of anti-LGBTI rhetoric in Europe, there’s a groundswell of allied determination to tackle hatred, report finds

A report from the leading LGBTI organisation in Europe finds that amid a rise in official anti-LGBTI rhetoric fuelling a wave of hate crime in every country in Europe, there is a growing institutional resolve to tackle hatred and exclusion.
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Annual Review 2022

The Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People in Europe and Central Asia between January-December 2021.   The Annual Review is ILGA-Europe’s […]
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Bodily Integrity

This includes being protected from intersex genital mutilation (IGM), forced sterilisation and forced medicalisation. Bodily integrity also means increased access to many healthcare fundamentals, like […]
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How to be a great intersex ally

Even within the LGBTI community, intersex people continue to be overlooked, and that’s something we urgently need to change. Here are our top tips for getting on the right page and supporting the human rights of intersex people!
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Monumental shift in global health for trans and gender diverse people

Today, after nearly a decade of efforts from trans and gender diverse activists and organisations, and their allies, the World Health Assembly approved the newest update to the […]
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Protecting Intersex People in Europe

A toolkit for law and policymakers Bodily autonomy – making one’s own informed decisions about one’s body and what happens to it – is a fundamental human […]
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Press Release

European Parliament adopts landmark resolution on intersex rights

Press Statement: Today, on 14 February 2019, the European Parliament has adopted a landmark Resolution on the Rights of Intersex People. By adopting this resolution, the […]
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Discover how to frame your messages about intersex issues

Are you campaigning for intersex rights in your country? Are you supporting intersex groups in their campaigning efforts? Discover how to frame your messages about […]
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World Health Organisation removes trans identities from mental disorder list

The World Health Organisation has announced the completion of the ICD-11 and deleted all trans-related categories from the ICD Chapter on Mental and Behavioural Disorders. The World […]
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Press Release

Portugal can still be legislative innovators on LGBTI equality – don’t stop now!

Update on the veto issued on 9 May by President of portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has chosen to […]
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Urgent letter to the President of Portugal

ILGA-Europe, TGEU and OII Europe urge President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to sign the historic law as adopted by the Portuguese parliament on 13 April.  Two […]
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Press Release

Portugal votes to respect the rights of trans and intersex people

The Portuguese parliament has voted to adopt a ground-breaking law which better protects and respects the right to self-determination and bodily integrity of trans and […]
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