Register now for the webinar: Framing Equality

ILGA-Europe will host a webinar on framing messages for LGBTI equality on 22 may at 11:00 CEST.
Our societies are built on stories. By understanding framing, activists can craft their communications to create sustainable social change.
ILGA-Europe will host a webinar on framing messages for LGBTI equality. We will look into how to clarify our vision and goals when approaching strategic communication and how to better understand our audiences in order to be able to develop effective messages. Best practices of campaigns will also be presented together with very practical recommendations on how to – and not to – frame LGBTI equality.
You will hear from Bec Sanderson, researcher at the Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC, UK), which has partnered with ILGA-Europe in developing the Framing Equality Toolkit and the Testing Guide recently published; Katarzyna Remin, Social Change Team Manager at Campaign Against Homophobia (Poland); and Anastasia Danilova, Executive Director at GENDERDOC-M (Moldova).
Registration closed
This is the second of a series of webinars on strategic communications to be hosted by ILGA-Europe. Save the date of our final webinar in the series:
How to test your communications: tools and experiences from the LGBTI movement, on 29 June 2018 from 11 to 12.30 CEST
Check our website to know about ILGA-Europe’s work on strategic communication and our most recent publications.