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Joint Statement: Human rights groups regret outcome of European Court ruling on France’s criminalisation policies in relation to sex work

On 25 July, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in M.A. and Others v. France that there has been no violation of Article […]
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The fight against Georgia’s foreign agent law and anti-LGBTI legislation

In the face of rising authoritarianism, Georgia’s civil society and LGBTI community are battling draconian laws inspired by Russia, threatening their democratic rights and freedoms […]
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Remarkable and resilient Prides across Europe

Amid political turmoil, war, social issues and cultural changes, Pride celebrations in Europe continue to demonstrate the resilience and determination of LGBTI communities Today, on […]
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Joint Letter: Germany urgently needs to finally allow EU to continue closing gaps on anti-discrimination with racism, xenophobia, LGBTI-phobia and sexism on the rise

The following open letter has been jointly sent to the German government by ILGA-Europe, the European Network Against Racism, European Disability Forum and Age Platform […]
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EU Election results: The challenges & opportunities

Today we dive into the mixed results of the European Elections, the shift to the far right in national elections, and the potential impact of […]
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The intersecting consequences of a possible far-right vote in the European elections

As the European elections approach, the polls predict a significant shift towards the far-right. This anticipated surge reflects a broader trend of increasing nationalism across […]
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Press Release

EU Elections Candidates Across Europe Are Vowing to Support LGBTI Human Rights

As voters get ready to go to the polls in the European Elections, over a thousand candidates across Europe have pledged to protect and advance […]
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Hundreds of European election candidates pledge to protect LGBTI rights

Amid fears of a rise in the far-right in the European elections this June 6-9, the number of candidates who are demonstrating their support for […]
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Navigating Equality: Unveiling the 2024 Rainbow Map

In the dynamic world of human rights advocacy, working together is essential. Last week marked a significant event of mass collaboration – the release of […]
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European court to hear landmark case regarding discrimination against non-binary people

The Court of Justice of the European Union is to decide on lawsuit over the lack of provision of an option for non-binary persons, which […]
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Statement in solidarity with the LGBTI movement in Kazakhstan

ILGA-Europe stands with Kazakhstan’s LGBTI Community amid Russia-style attempts to criminalise LGBTI people and their human rights ILGA-Europe express solidarity with the LGBTI community in […]
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6 Tips to Get Local Media Supporting LGBTI Human Rights in the European Elections

In our joint effort to get candidates for European Elections to pledge their support for LGBTI rights, teaming up with the media is key. That […]
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Top European Court Strikes Out Case Against Azerbaijan for LGBTI Arrest and Torture

Last week, the European Court of Human Rights decided to strike out A. v Azerbaijan and 23 other applications. The case involved a wave of […]
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6 ways to encourage European Election candidates to pledge their support for the human rights of LGBTI people

Here are some highly effective, but easy ways to engage your local candidates for the European Elections with the Come Out 4 Europe campaign towards […]
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Our submission to the EC 2024 Rule of Law report

Over the past few years it has become increasingly clear that many government-led violations of LGBTI rights in EU Member States go hand-in-hand with an […]
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5 things the LGBTI movement must do to continue achieving real change

This year marked the end of Evelyne Paradis’ tenure as Executive Director of ILGA-Europe. Here Evelyne shares five fundamental things she’s learned over almost 20 […]
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Attacks on LGBTI rights in Italy are human rights violations, Commissioner reports

Since the new Italian government came into power in 2022, it has been toying with the rights of LGBTI people. Draft legislation that would do […]
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ILGA-Europe’s statement on the Russian Supreme Court banning ‘the International LGBT movement” as extremist

Today, Russia’s Supreme Court banned what it called the “international LGBT public movement” as extremist. The LGBTI movement’s activities within Russia were said to “incite […]
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Joint statement: Respect LGBTI+ rights in EU-Türkiye relations

Today, alongside five other international human rights organisations, we demand that the EU takes specific steps to ensure respect for the human rights of LGBTI […]
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EuroPride host, Malta is No’1 on our Rainbow Map, but it’s not all a pretty picture

An LGBTI poster vandalised just a few days before the EuroPride in Valletta and an LGBTIphobic attack during Gozo Pride are strong reminders that despite strong legal protections, LGBTI people do not always enjoy full inclusion and safety in Malta.
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Significant European Court judgments in two cases concerning violence against LGBTI people involving state agents

Two successful European Court cases brought against Russia underline state obligations to protect LGBTI community from violent counter demonstrators and general hate motivated violence.
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