Our Governance
ILGA-Europe is one the six regions of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, ILGA World. Our mandate covers 54 countries – from Albania to Iceland, through Norway, Turkey, Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom. Here is a guide to our governance.

Who are ILGA-Europe’s members and what is their role?
ILGA-Europe is a membership-based organisation. Our members are 600-plus not-for-profit LGBTI organisations – national organisations, local branches or European networks.
As part of the governance of ILGA-Europe, member organisations can:
- Send Delegates to the General Meeting
- Discuss and determine the strategy, the priorities and the policies of the organisation
- Submit nominations for candidates to the Executive Board and for the Regional Representatives to ILGA World
- Submit proposals and amendments to be dealt with at the General Meeting
- Propose amendments to the Constitution and Standing Orders
How is ILGA-Europe governed?
The governance of ILGA-Europe is defined by the organisation’s Constitution. The main governance body of ILGA-Europe is the General Meeting.
The General Meeting is the gathering of all member organisations. It has the exclusive powers to:
- Elect or dismiss the Executive Board and Regional Representatives to ILGA World
- Approve the organisation’s annual budget and audited accounts
- Recommend changes to financial policies of the organisation
- Amend the Constitution and Standing Orders
- Dissolve the organisation
The General Meeting is held twice per year:
- In June, to review and approve the audited annual accounts, discharge the Executive Board and discuss ad hoc items. This is usually a shorter General Meeting, which takes place in an online format.
- In October, to review and approve the organisation’s activity report and budget, elect candidates, and discuss proposals submitted by members or the Executive Board. This is usually a longer General Meeting which take place in a hybrid format and in conjunction with our Annual Conference.
How does the General Meeting make decisions?
Member organisations and the Executive Board can submit proposals and amendments to be dealt with at the General Meeting.
Member organisations are represented by a Delegate or Proxy. Delegates meet in governance workshops and plenary sessions.
- Governance workshops are the space where members can discuss and amend proposals, recommend the approval or rejection of proposals to the plenary, and adopt declarations or resolutions.
- Plenary sessions are the space where the Executive Board reports to members, candidates stand for election, and members make decisions by voting.
Vote takes place by show of voting cards, by secret ballot or by means of remote electronic voting. Each member has two votes in decision-making, provided they have paid the annual membership fees to ILGA World.
The proceedings of the General Meeting are detailed in Standing Orders.
The Constitution and Standing Orders are amended periodically to integrated necessary changes for the efficient and transparent governance of the organisation.