Empowering LGBTI sex workers towards the full respect of their human rights

In ILGA-Europe’s view, LGBTI organisations have a key role to play in fighting against stigma affecting LGBTI sex workers, both within and outside the LGBTI community.

Empowerment, combatting exclusion, and ‘nothing about us without us’ – these principles are at the core of our new policy.

Entitled Empowering LGBTI sex workers towards the full respect of their human rights, it outlines three key steps that we all collectively must take to ensure the rights of sex workers are protected:

  • Combatting structural discrimination and social exclusion of LGBTI people
  • Calling for decriminalisation as a cornerstone for protecting the human rights of sex workers
  • Working towards the full inclusion of the voices of sex workers in the LGBTI community

LGBTI sex workers have always been part of the LGBTI movement; the names of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Riveria are not just historical references, their experiences at Stonewall shaped Pride events and the global LGBTI movement as we know it today. And yet, many sex workers are excluded from modern-day LGBTI activism.

In ILGA-Europe’s view, LGBTI organisations have a key role to play in fighting against stigma affecting LGBTI sex workers, both within and outside the LGBTI community.

This is why ILGA-Europe commit to raising awareness within the LGBTI community on the human rights violations which LGBTI sex workers are facing, and to addressing stigma against sex workers and supporting them to be more visible within the LGBTI community.

See also


Joint Statement: Human rights groups regret outcome of European Court ruling on France’s criminalisation policies in relation to sex work

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Open letter of the European Coalition on Sex Workers’ Rights and Inclusion to Members of the European Parliament Re: Prostitution Report

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5 reasons why sex workers’ rights in the EU must be protected

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#SexWork in Europe: “We are still asking for the basic things: housing, work, and respect for our identities”

To mark #InternationalSexWorkersDay on June 2, we talked to Sabrina Sánchez, trans migrant sex worker based in Spain, on her journey, the pandemic and why sex workers rights are central to the LGBTI movement.
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Why we have a new policy on LGBTI sex work

Evelyne Paradis, ILGA-Europe Executive Director “Educate yourself.” That is one of the very first things that anyone who wants to get involved in activism is advised […]
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Empowering LGBTI sex workers – new position paper

ILGA-Europe have launched a new position paper on the rights of LGBTI sex workers. Empowerment, combatting exclusion, and ‘nothing about us without us’ – these […]
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Case Law

Electra Leda Koutra and Anastasia Katzaki v. Greece

Detention and mistreatment of transgender sex workers and their lawyer
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