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Did you know that acceptance of LGBTI people is stronger than ever across the EU?

Published last month, the latest Eurobarometer report, charting public opinion in the European Union, shows acceptance of LGBTI people is clearly on the rise across […]
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5 things the LGBTI movement must do to continue achieving real change

This year marked the end of Evelyne Paradis’ tenure as Executive Director of ILGA-Europe. Here Evelyne shares five fundamental things she’s learned over almost 20 […]
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Press Release

Giving hope comes with responsibility to us, say activists from new EU enlargement countries

Today, LGBTI activists from Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia met with EU representatives in Brussels to explain serious challenges facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex […]
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Today, November 20, we celebrate UN World Children’s Day, and feel compelled to draw attention to the recent developments in Italy where some children no […]
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Press Release

Slovenia about to make a crucial step towards equality for LGBTIQ+ people

Today at a conference in Ljubljana, organised by Europe’s leading LGBTI organisation, ILGA-Europe, Slovenia’s State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Dan Juvan, committed to the next steps in preparing the National Strategy for the Equality of LGBTIQ+ Persons.
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#BiWeek: Four things you didn’t know about bisexual experience

Our latest Intersections report on bi experiences in Europe has some interesting findings, both good and bad. To mark Bisexual Awareness Week, here are some key facts based on the region’s largest LGBTI survey to date about bi people and their lived experiences.
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The Frontline: Behind The Rainbow Map: Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries

Every year since 2009, ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map has been ranking the 49 countries that make up Europe based on the legal and policy situations of […]
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Why are LGBTI activists such fierce defenders of democracy?

At the recent Democracy Alive conference in Brussels, our Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis spoke about the DNA that drives LGBTI activists in a Europe where there’s a mistaken assumption that everyone has access to democracy.
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Which countries are pushing to end discrimination in blood donation?

For decades, men who have sex with men have been barred from donating blood or subject to discriminatory rules. Now, as both our Rainbow Map and Annual Review 2023 show, an increasing number of countries in Europe are dismantling these discriminatory practices. As European Public Health Week comes to an end, let's take a closer look at the countries paving the way.
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Press Release

Trans and intersex rights at the forefront of positive change for LGBTI people in Europe, Rainbow Map finds

Despite intense anti-LGBTI attacks in several countries, equality is still advancing across Europe, ILGA-Europe’s annual Rainbow Map and Index shows.
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EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy – Second year implementation evaluation

Half-way through, the evaluation of LGBTI organisations is positive, but also pointing clearly to where more is needed to ensure the implementation of the strategy […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Older People Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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The Frontline: Trans Inclusion in the Women’s Movement

In this episode of The Frontline, specially released on Trans Day of Visibility, we’re looking at trans inclusion in the women’s movement. All too often […]
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For good and bad: The trending impacts on LGBTI human rights in Europe and Central Asia

The most striking finding of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review 2023 is a stark rise in the ferocity of anti-LGBTI hate and violence reported in Europe and Central Asia. But alongside this worrying trend, there are positive developments in areas such as legal gender recognition, public support, intersex human rights and civil society. Here are the key highlights.
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How we’re supporting LGBTI activists and organisations one year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine

On 24 February 2022, Vladimir Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, leading to the largest armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. […]
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Press Release

Deadliest Rise in Anti-LGBTI Violence in Over a Decade, our annual Report Shows

12 years into annually reporting on the human rights situation of LGBTI people, Europe’s leading LGBTI equality organisation finds that pervasive hate speech across the region has led to life or death consequences.
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Watch: LGBTI rights in Europe & Central Asia in 2022

Watch the video! In 2022, with the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world changed forever. Watch our seven-minute video to see how it all […]
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The Frontline: The World Cup Rainbow Divide

The big story at the beginning of the World Cup 2022 centred on FIFA banning all players on European teams from wearing the ‘One Love’ […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Youth Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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The Frontline: LGBTI Equality and Accession to The EU

In this two-part episode of The Frontline podcast, presented by Belinda Dear, we’re looking at the new wave of accession to the European Union and […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Lesbians Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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