ILGA-Europe commends historical passing of two key LGBTI resolutions by European Parliament

Today the European Parliament adopted two lgbti resolutions clearly calling for a strong agenda for the protection and furtherment of LGBTI equality and human rights in the next European Commission’s term.
The passing of a resolution on the future of the LGBTI List of Actions unites the European Parliament with 19 member states, who in December signed a call initiated by the Maltese government calling for an EU LGBTI strategy for 2019 – 2024.
“In the current political climate where LGBTI strategy both in the Council and the European Parliament are challenged by a small but loud opposition, this strong call by the European Parliament for the European Commission to not sway but to ensure an even stronger commitment to work on LGBTI rights in the future, is very much needed”, says Katrin Hugendubel, Advocacy Director of ILGA-Europe.
The resolution clearly calls on the Commission to ensure that LGBTI human rights are given priority in its work programme for 2019-2024, and to develop a LGBTI strategy for its next term, in consultation with the European Parliament and civil society organisations.
The European Parliament reiterated one of the demands ILGA-Europe sets out in its ComeOut pledge campaign for the European Parliament elections, which was launched today.
“The last five years showed clearly that a strategic commitment such as the LGBTI list of actions allows the European Commission to be more ambitious in its work on progressing LGBTI equality. It is important to build on the progress of the list of actions in the next term,” notes Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe.
Second resolution on intersex rights
A second historical resolution adopted today focuses on the human rights of intersex people. Here, the European Parliament is not only acknowledging the ongoing human rights violations intersex people still face in the EU today, but also sets out clearly what needs to be done both on national and EU level, such as ensuring protection against any form of discrimination under the ground “sex” and putting in place legislation that will finally ensure a protection of intersex people’s bodily integrity.
Addressing the first candidate signatories of the ComeOut pledge, Secretary of OII Europe Kitty Anderson said “When the resolution was announced, I got messages all over Europe from intersex activists saying they felt heard and protected.”
“This is a monumental step forward for the rights of intersex people and is something we can truly build on.”
“Intersex rights need to be clearly integrated into all work of the EU institutions in the future, and the future LGBTI strategy needs to set out clearly how the European Commission will work to ensure the full protection of intersex human rights, including supporting member states in putting in place legal protection of intersex people’s bodily integrity,” Paradis adds.
- Read more about the common paper prepared by the Maltese government and signed by 19 member states in December 2018, calling for continued efforts within the EU to ensure full protection of LGBTI rights.
- See OII-Europe and ILGA-Europe’s join statement from earlier today about the landmark resolution on the rights of intersex people.
- Yesterday evening in Strasbourg, candidates from all major EU political parties (EPP, S&D, ALDE, GUE/NGL, Greens-EFA) were the first to officially sign our Come Out Pledge. Read more about our brand-new campaign for the European Parliament elections here.