ILGA-Europe is a membership organisation: our members are LGBTI groups and organisations from Europe and Central Asia. Currently, over 700 organisations across 54 countries are members of ILGA.
ILGA-Europe member organisations from Europe and Central Asia are part of the overall ILGA World membership. Applications for membership can be made through the main ILGA World website.
Member organisations in Europe and Central Asia shape the future of our movement in two ways:
- By participating in ILGA-Europe and ILGA World’s organisational governance. This includes deciding on Constitutions and Standing Orders, inputting on organisational budgets and accounts, electing the Board – and ensuring we are a healthy, accountable, sustainable and inclusive organisation.
- By contributing to strategic planning processes and discussions about the directions the LGBTI movement could take in these regions.
ILGA World grants and handles membership for all our regions – Africa, Asia, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America and the Caribbean, and Oceania. Member organisations’ rights and obligations differ from region to region. You can read more about them in our Constitution.
Within the ILGA family, we strive for regional and global solidarity and stand together as a diverse and multifaceted movement.
If you have any questions about membership, please find out more here and contact the ILGA World secretariat.
current ilga-europe members
Pan European
- Association of Nordic and Pol-Balt LGBTQ Student Organizations
- ERA – LGBTI Equal Rights Association for the Western Balkans and Turkey
- European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups
- European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation
- European Gay Police Association
- European Pride Organisers Association
- European Sex Workers Rights Alliance
- IGLYO – International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Youth and Student Organisation
- Micro Rainbow International
- Network of Europan LGBTIQ* Families Associations
- OII (Organization Intersex International) Sverige
- OII Europe
- ORAM Organization for Refuge Asylum and Migration
- Rainbow Rose
- Transgender Europe e.V.
Country-by Country
- Aleanca Kunder Diskriminimit LGBT (Alliance against LGBT discrimination)
- Libertas
- Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA)
- Pink Embassy/LGBT Pro Albania
- Qendra por Emancipim Shoqeror (Center for Social Emancipation) – QESh
- Streha Center
- United for LGBT cause in Albania
- “DiverCity” Social-Cultural, Human Rights Defender NGO
- Colorful House Social-cultural and Human Rights Defender NGO
- Guarantee Center of Civil Society
- New Generation
- Pink Armenia
- Rights Side
- Society Without Violence NGO
- Afro Rainbow Austria
- Amnesty International Austria (associate member)
- Austrian Gay Professionals
- Austrian Queer Families
- Green Party LGBT Group (Austria)
- Homosexual Initiative (HOSI) Salzburg
- Homosexual Initiative (HOSI) Vienna
- Homosexuelle Initiative Linz (HOSI Linz) – The Lesbian and Gay Movement in Upper Austria
- Homosexuelle und Glaube Wien
- Minbar.Wien
- QWIEN – Zentrum für queere Geschichte
- Queer Amnesty Austria
- Rechtskomitee LAMBDA
- Rosa Lila Tipp – RLT
- Soho
- VEPO Austria
- VIMÖ– / OII Austria
- Verein Vielfalt (“Club Diversity”)
- Gender and Development
- Nefes(Breath) LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance
- Belarusian LGBT Journalists Group (LGBT BJG)
- – Gay Alliance Belarus
- GayBelarus
- Belgian Business Association
- Belgian Pride
- Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique – Section du Depot Legal
- Brussels Gay Sports
- CAL/Luxembourg
- Casa Rosa
- DROA (registration name We Speak Love)
- EGALITE – Equality for Gays And Lesbians In The European Institutions
- Ex Aequo
- Federation Arc-en-ciel
- Fédération Prisme
- Genres Pluriels
- Goudou
- Het Roze Huis (The Pink House)
- Holebihuis Vlaams-Brabant
- Intersekse Vlaanderen
- KliQ
- Mikpunt (aiming point)
- Omnya asbl-vzw
- Rainbow Nation Brussels
- Rainbowhouse Brussels (Maison arc-en-ciel / Regenbooghuis Bruxelles/Brussels)
- Rebus vzw
- RoSa Documentation Centre and Activities on Equal Opportunity
- Tels Quels asbl
- WISH vzw – Werkgroep Internationale Solidariteit met Holebi’s
- Wel Jong
- Why Me
- çavaria
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Fondacija CURE
- Organisation Q
- Sarajevo Open Centre
- Tuzla Open Center
- Bilitis Resource Center Foundation
- Bulgarian Helsinki Committee – BHC
- GLAS Bulgaria Foundation
- Single Step
- Sofia Pride Foundation
- Youth LGBT Organization Deystvie
- Centre for Civil Initiatives Porec
- Dugine obitelji
- Expanse of Gender and Media Culture Common Zone
- Iskorak
- Lesbian Group Kontra
- Lesbian organization / Lezbijska organizacija Rijeka – LORI
- Rispet – LGBT association Split
- Trans Mreža Balkan
- Women’s Room
- Zagreb Pride Organization
- kolekTIRV | For the rights of trans, intersex and gender variant persons
- Accept-LGBT Cyprus
- Envision Diversity Association
- Feminist Atlye
- Gay Liberation Movement of Cyprus
- Gender and Minorities Institute
- Queer Cyprus Association
Czech Republic
- ARA ART, z. s.
- Afghan LGBT
- Charlie o. s.
- Platform for equality, recognition and diversity
- Prague Pride z.s.
- Queer Geography
- Copenhagen Pride
- DARE Danmark
- Female Oxygen
- LGBT Asylum
- LGBT Denmark: Danish National Association for Gays and Lesbians
- LGBT Faroe Islands
- LGBT Komiteen
- Lambda – Bosser og Lesbiske pa Fyn
- Pangea International LGBTIQA+
- Sabaah
- AIDS-i Tugikeskus (AIDS Information & Support Center)
- ECOM – Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity
- Eesti Nahkmeeste Klub
- Estonian AIDS Prevention Centre
- Estonian LGBT Association
- NGO Estonian Network PLWHIV
- Societal Integration Centre
- Helsinki Pride -yhteisö ry
- Oulun SETA ry
- Pirkanmaan SETA ry
- SETA – LGBTI Rights in Finland
- Sateenkaariperheet – Regnbågsfamiljer ry
- Trasek ry
- Turun seudun SETA ry
- Actions Concretes Conciliant Education Prevention Travail Equite Sante et Sport pour les Transgenres – ACCEPTESS-T
- An Nou Alle !
- Arab Network for Knowledge about Human rights
- Arc-en-ciel Toulouse
- Association Gayttitude Psychologie
- Association Nationale Le Refuge
- Association Professionnelle des Personnels Educatifs LGBT – APPEL
- Association Psy Gay
- Association The Warning
- Association de Lutte Internationales pour L’Identité des Femmes Transgenres Travestis transsexuelles et Sida
- Association des Familles Homoparentales
- Association des Parents et Futurs Parents Gays et Lesbiens
- Association nationale transgenre -Trans Aide
- CENTREGAUX – Association des Centristes et Democrates Lesbiennes Gays Bi Trans et GayFriendly
- CQFD Fierte Lesbienne
- Centre LGBT Paris Ile de France
- Cheries-Cheris – Festival du Films Gay Lesbiens Trans et de Paris – FFGLP
- Collectif Intersexes et Allié.e.s-OII France
- Comite pour la reconnaissance sociale des homosexuel/les CRSH
- Comité LGBTI+ de Génération.S
- Comité idaho france
- Contact Paris/Ile-de-France
- David & Jonathan
- Europe Ecologie – Les Verts
- Federation Francaise des Centres LGBT
- Fundation Rainbow Solidarite
- Fédération LGBTI+
- Gaipar
- GayLib
- HM2F – Homosexuels Musulmans 2 France
- Homosexualites et Socialisme
- Inter-LGBT
- L Autre Cercle
- L Egide maison regionale des associations Lesbiennes Gays Bi Trans
- Neuromedia
- Public Services International
- RHIF et Les Juristes Gais
- Rainbow Banquass
- Reseau d assistance aux victimes d agression et de discriminations – RAVAD
- SOS homophobie – Association nationale de lutte contre la lesbophobie la gayphobie la biphobie et la transphobie
- STOP homophobie
- Shams-France
- Solidarite Internationale LGBTQI
- Spectrum
- Txy Transidentitaires
- Universites des Ete Euro-mediterraneennes des Homosexualites
- Center for Transgender Women
- Equality Movement
- Identoba
- Inclusive Foundation
- Tbilisi Pride
- Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group
- AStA Universitat zu Koln
- Akademie Waldschloesschen
- Aktionsbuendnis gegen Homophobie e.V.
- All Out
- Alwan For LGBT Rights in Middle East and North Africa (associate member)
- BAG (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft) – Die Linke.queer
- BiNe – Bisexuelles Netzwerk e.V.
- Bruno Gmunder Verlag GmbH
- Bundesverband Queere Bildung e.V.
- Bundesverband Trans* e.V.
- Bundnis 90/Die Grunen Landesverband Berlin
- CSD Deutschland e.V.
- EQUAL PostOst e.V. (European Queer Alliance of PostOst Community)
- Fliederlich e.V.
- Hamburg Pride e.V.
- Homosexuelle und Kirche Germany
- IVIM / Organisation Intersex International – German Chapter – IVIM / OII-Germany
- Initiative Queer Nations e.V.
- International Support Group for Information Transfer and Networking ISGITN
- International Women* Space
- LGBTI-WCI – Website Certification Institute
- Lambda Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
- Lesben und Schwule in der Union
- Lesbenring e.V. Gesch
- Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany
- LiSL Deutschland e.V. – Liberal Gays and Lesbians Germany
- Mann-O-Meter e.V.
- Municipal Working Group Tolerantly Brandenburg
- PROUT AT WORK-Foundation
- Projekt 100% MENSCH
- Queeraspora
- Queeres Netzwerk Niedersachsen e.V.
- Referat fur Lesben Schwule Bi & Transsexuelle der ASTA TU
- RollenWechsel in Oldenburg
- SPDqueer – working group in the SPD for acceptance and equality
- Schwulenberatung Berlin gGmbH
- Schwulenreferat der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universitat
- Sonntags-Club e.V.
- Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv
- The Black Sex Worker Collective-Berlin
- The LGBT life e.V
- TransInterQueer e.V
- Völklinger Kreis e. V.
- Wirtschaftsweiber e. V.
- just human e.V.
- ver.di – Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, Bundesarbeitskreis Regenbogen (LSBTTIQ)
- Co-operation Against Homophobia
- Colour Youth – Athens LGBTQ Youth Community
- Intersex Greece
- Lesb.Equal – Lesbians for Equality
- OLKE – Lesbian and Gay Community of Greece
- Police Action for Human Rights
- Samos Volunteers MKO / Samos LGBTQI+ Group
- Thessaloniki Pride
- Diverse Youth Network Association
- Habeas Corpus Working Group
- Hungarian LGBT Alliance
- Háttér Society
- Rainbow Mission Foundation (Budapest Pride)
- Transvanilla Transgender Association
- Intersex Iceland
- Samtökin ’78 – The National Queer Organisation of Iceland
- Trans Ísland
- BeLonG To Youth Services
- GLEN Gay and Lesbian Equality Network
- Gay Project
- LGBT Ireland
- LGBT Society University College Cork
- LGBT Synergy
- Labour LGBT Ireland
- Marriage Equality
- National LGBT Federation – Ireland
- Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre
- Red Ribbon Project trading as GOSHH -Gender Orientation Sexual health HIV
- ShoutOut
- AMIGAY Associazione Medici Italiani Good As You aps
- ARCO Associazione Ricreativa Circoli omosessuali
- Antinoo Arcigay Napoli
- Arcigay Catania
- Arcigay Frida Byron Ravenna
- Arcigay Gioconda Reggio Emilia
- Arcigay Il Cassero
- Arcigay La Fenice
- Arcigay Marcella di Folco Salerno
- Arcigay Nazionale
- Arcigay Palermo
- Arcigay Piacenza
- Arcigay Pisa
- Arcigay Roma Gruppo Ora
- Arcigay Varese LGBTI
- Associazione InformaGay
- Associazione Omosessuale Articolo Tre di Palermo
- Associazione Quore
- Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti
- Associazione genitori, parenti, amiche e amici persone LGBT+
- Avvocatura per I diritti LGBTI – Rete Lenford
- CUBE – Centro Universitario Bolognese di Etnosemiotica
- Center for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights
- Centro Risorse LGBTI
- Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli
- Circomassimo – Associazione gay e lesbica / Arcigay Ferrara
- Comitato Provinciale Arcigay Bergamo Cives
- Comitato Provinciale Arcigay Palermo APS
- Comitato Provinciale Matthew Shepard – Arcigay Modena
- Comitato provinciale Arcigay Alan Mathison Turing – Arcigay Rimini
- Comitato provinciale Arcigay CIG – Milano
- Coordinamento Torino Pride LGBT
- Di Gay Project
- Diversity
- Excellence & Diversity by GLBT Executives
- Famiglie Arcobaleno
- Fondazione FUORI
- Fondazione Genere Identità Cultura
- Gaynet
- Gender x
- GenderLens
- Gruppo Trans APS
- Human Rights Awareness
- Intersexioni
- Ireos – Centro Servizi Autogestito Comunita Queer
- Lambda – Associazione Amici della Fondazione Sandro Penna
- Lesbiche Bologna
- Lieviti – Bisessuali, Pansessuali e Queer Italiani
- M.I.A. Arcigay Imperia
- MIT Movimento Identità Trans
- Magen David Keshet Italia (better known as Keshet Italia)
- Municipality of Venice – LGBT Cultural Policies Dept.
- Omphalos
- Osservatorio di Genere
- PLUS Onlus
- Possibile LGBTI+
- Rain Arcigay Caserta onlus
- Rete Genitori Rainbow
- Alliance-Asia
- Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative “Feminita”
- NGO Alternativa
- Public Organization Amulet
- Centre for Equality and Liberty for the LGBT community in Kosova
- Sekhmet Institute
- Kyrgyz Indigo
- LGBT Organization Labrys
- LGBTIQA organization
- Public Association “the GRACE”
- Alliance of lesbian gay bisexual transpersons and their friends – Mozaika
- Open Centre
- LGL – Lithuanian Gay League
- Tolerant Youth Association
- ZEPHIRO: Progressive Platform for Human Rights
- Rosa Letzebuerg ASBL
- LGBTI+ Gozo
- Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement
- The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society
- GENDERDOC-M Information Centre
- Juventas
- LGBT Forum Progress
- LGBTIQ Social Center
- Montenegrin LGBTIQ Association Queer Montenegro
- AOb Algemene Onderwijsbond (General Union for Education of the Netherlands)
- African Gay Youth Foundation
- CHOICE for Youth Sexuality
- COC – Amsterdam
- COC – Rotterdam
- COC – Tilburg
- COC Haaglanden
- COC Limburg
- COC Nederland
- Charming Designs BV | HotelsForGays (associate member)
- Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond – Onderwijsbond – Homowerkgroep
- Embrace Pink Foundation
- Gay care Amsterdam
- Gemeente Utrecht dienst welzijn
- Global Alliance for LGBT Education
- Groenlinks
- IHLIA LGBTI-Heritage
- ILGA Support Group Utrecht
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation (associate member)
- Landelijk Expertise Centrum Diversiteit
- Meer dan Gewenst
- NNID, Netherlands organisation for sex diversity
- Natural Foundation
- Netwerk Regenboog FNV
- PASAA Foundation
- PROUD Nederland
- PSYNT (associate member)
- Roze in Blauw Nederland
- RozeLinks
- Stichting Bi+ Nederland
- Stichting De Kringen Utrecht
- Stichting FLL
- Stichting Homosexualiteit En Krijgsmacht
- Stichting JoopeA
- Stichting Love Planet
- Stichting Roze Zaterdagen Nederland
- Stichting Transman
- T-Nederland
- Trans United Nederland
- Transgender Netwerk Nederland – TNN
- Universiteit Utrecht Department of Clinical Psychology
- Workplace Pride
North Macedonia
- Association for Cultural and Media Activism QUEER SQUARE Skopje
- Coalition ‘Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities’ MARGINS
- HERA – Health Education and Research Association
- LGBT United Macedonia
- LGBTI Support Centre
- Sexual and Gender Minorities Association QUEER CENTER Skopje
- Women’s Alliance
- FRI – Foreningen for kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold
- FRI Oslo and Akershus, local chapter of The Norwegian Organisation for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- LLH – The Norwegian LGBT Association – Bergen and Hordaland
- LLH – The Norwegian LGBT Association – Nordland Region
- LLH – The Norwegian LGBT Association – Rogaland
- Skeiv Ungdom – Queer Youth
- Skeiv Verden – Queer World
- The National organization for transsexuals in Norway (LFTS) – local group in Bergen
- A.W.R. Softpress
- Campaign Against Homophobia
- Federacja Znaki Równości
- Federation for People Living with HIV/AIDS
- Fundacja Rownosci (Equality Foundation)
- Fundacja Trans-Fuzja
- Fundacja Wrzenie/ The Boiling Point Foundation
- KdT Fundacja Kultura dla Tolerancji – Culture for tolerance Foundation
- Lambda Szczecin Association
- Lambda Warszawa Association (Warsaw)
- Love Does Not Exclude
- Pink Press Warsaw
- Queer May Association/ Foundation
- Stowarzyszenie Grupa Stonewall
- Warsaw House Foundation
- Ação Pela Identidade – API
- Beja Diversidades
- ILGA Portugal
- Obra Gay Associacao
- Tudo Vai Melhorar
- Asociatia ACCEPT
- Asociatia PRIDE
- Association Equal from Romania
- Eu sunt! Tu part of Population Services International in Romania
- Identity.Education
- Incluziune pe Bune
- MozaiQ LGBT
- THE NEW PAGAN DAWN – This member organisation has been recommended to ILGA World for immediate suspension
Russian Federation
- Anonymous organisations
- Asocijacija Duga/Association Rainbow
- Belgrade Pride Parade
- Da se zna! Organisation dealing with reporting LGBTI human rights abuse and hate crime
- Gay Lesbian Info Centre
- Gay Straight Alliance
- Geten – Center for LGBTIQA People’s Rights
- Labris
- Novi Sad Lesbian Organization
- Queeria – Center for Promoting Culture of Non-Violence and Equality
- Rainbow Ignite
- XY Spektrum
- Duhove Srdce
- Hnutie Ganymedes
- Iniciativa Inakost
- Queer Leaders Forum
- Saplinq, o.z
- Association informational centre LEGEBITRA
- Društvo DIH
- Institute TransAkcija
- Lesbian Group SKUC-LL
- Ljubljana Pride Association
- Roza Klub
- ACATHI – Asociacion Catalana para la Integracion de Homosexuales Bisexuales y Transexuales Inmigrantes
- ARELAS – Asociación de familias de menores e mocidade trans de Galicia
- Ahora Donde – le refuge
- Ajuntament de Ripollet
- Arcópoli
- Asociacion Espanola de Transexuales
- Asociacion Internacional de Familias por la Diversidad Sexual – FDS
- Asociacion Reacciona!
- Asociación Española contra las Terapias de Conversión
- Asociación Lánzate LGTBI+ de Canarias
- Asociación Red Empresarial por la Diversidad e Inclusión
- Asociación de Voces de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales y Bisexuales de Madrid
- Associacio de Families Lesbianes i Gais
- Associació SVS -Acció en Blau (associate member)
- Barcelona International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
- COGAM – Colectivo LGTB+ de Madrid
- COLEGAS Confederacion Espanola Asociaciones de lesbianas gays bisexuales y transexuales
- Casal Lambda
- Chrysallis Asociacion de Familias de Menores Transexuales
- Col-lectiu Lambda de Valencia
- CooperAcció (associate member)
- Coordinadora de Lesbianes Gais Transsexuals i Bisexuals de Catalunya
- FELGTB – Federacion Estatal de Lesbianas Gays Transexuales y Bisexuales
- FSC-CCOO (associate member)
- Federación Andalucía Diversidad LGBT
- Federación Plataforma Trans
- Federación de enseñanza de CCOO
- Front Alliberament Gai de Catalunya
- Fundacion Atilden Daniela
- Fundacion Salud y Comunidad (HEALTH AND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION)
- Fundacion Triangulo por la Igualdad Social de Gays y Lesbianas
- Fundación 26 de Diciembre
- G.L.A.Y. – Gay Lesbian Association Yumbo Gran Canaria Spain
- General Directorate of LGBTI+ Public Policies (Ministry of Equality and Feminisms. Generalitat de Catalunya) (associate member)
- Grupo Lesbianas Gays Transexuales y Bisexuales del PSOE
- InOut Post
- It Gets Better Espana
- Kifkif, Asociación de Migrantes y Refugiados LGTBI (Lesbianas, Gays, Trans, Bisexuales e Intersexuales
- Laboratorio de Identidades
- No Binaries Espana
- Observatori Contra l’Homofòbia
- Observatorio Etico Internacional LGTBI
- Orgullo LGTB Madrid
- Plataforma Popular Gay
- Proud LGTBI Ripollet
- SOM COM SOM Collectiu per l Alliberament Sexual del Valles
- lgtbipol
- Arab Initiative
- C-Gay The National Network of HBT persons within the Centre Party
- Champagne Love and Bubbles
- HBT-liberaler (LGBT liberals)
- Hbt-socialdemokrater Sverige
- Posithiva Gruppen (HIV/AIDS Group Sweden)
- RFSL – The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights
- RFSL Gavleborg
- RFSL Goteborg
- RFSL Kronoberg
- RFSL Linkoping
- RFSL Malmo
- RFSL Norrkoping
- RFSL Orebro
- RFSL Ostersund
- RFSL Pitea alvdal
- RFSL Skaraborg
- RFSL Skellefteå
- RFSL Sundsvall
- RFSL Umea
- RFSL Ungdom The Swedish Youth Federation for LGBT rights
- RFSU – Riksforbundet for sexuell upplysning (associate member)
- ROHS – National Swedish LGBT Solidarity Organization
- ROHS – Riksorganisationen Homosexuella Socialister
- Rikstorbundet Ekumeniska grupporna for kristna homo-och bisexuella (EKHO)
- Sweden’s Federation for LGBTQIA+ Students
- Transforeningen FPES
- Association 360
- Fédération genevoise des associations LGBT
- Green Liberal Party Switzerland (associate member)
- HAZ – Queer Zürich
- Homosexuelle Arbeitsgruppen Bern
- International Family Equality Day
- Juragai
- Lesbenorganisation Schweiz – LOS
- Lestime
- Network queer green liberal party
- PINK CROSS Organisation Suisse des Gais
- Pink Apple Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
- Rainbow Families of Switzerland
- Rainbow Pride Foundation (Fiji) Limited
- SOS Tolerance
- The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (associate member)
- Transgender Network Switzerland (TGNS)
- Verein Network
- Verein Zurich Pride Festival
- Ville de Genève (associate member)
- Visages du Monde Organisation de Voyages Sarl
- VoGay – Association vaudoise pour la diversité sexuelle et de genre
- WyberNet – gay business women
- habs queer basel
- sozialwerk.LGBT+
- Equal opportunities
- LighT*
- Adana LGBTI + Solidarity Initiative
- AngelsTurkiye (associate member)
- Ay Sözluk
- Black Pink Triangle Izmir Association – Siyah Pembe Izmir
- BİZ Cinsel Yönelim ve Cinsiyet Kimliği Araştırmaları Derneği
- Gay & Lesbian to socialize and Rehabilitation – GLSRS
- Hak eşitlik varoluş için Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transeksüel İnterseksüel Derneği
- Inter Solidarity Turkey
- Kaos GL
- LISTAG (Families of LGBT in Istanbul)
- Lambdaistanbul LGBTI+ Solidarity Association
- Lubunya Solidarity Network
- Muamma LGBTİ+ Association
- Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association
- Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association
- Social Policies Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association – SPOD
- The Rainbow Association Against Discrimination
- Trans Consultancy Center Association
- Türkiye LGBTİ+ Hareketi
- Weıssgeil
- Young Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Intersex Youth Studies And Solidarity Association
- Üniversiteli Kuir Araştırmaları ve Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Trans İnterseks Dayanışma Derneği
- All Ukrainian Public Organization Gay Forum of Ukraine
- All-Ukrainian Charitable organization Tochka Opory
- Gay Alliance Ukraine
- Gay-Alliance
- Gender Z
- Informational-educational Center “Women Network”
- Insight public organization
- LGBT Association LIGA
- NGO “KyivPride”
- NGO Democratic Society
- Nash Svit (Our World) Gay and Lesbian Center
- Stable Reference Group of Odessa Region
- Women Association “Sphere”
United Kingdom
- African Rainbow Family
- BiCon Continuity
- Birmingham LGBT
- British Asian LGBTI (associate member)
- British Council
- Campaign for Homosexual Equality
- Cara-Friend
- Coalition on Sexual Orientation
- Croydon Area Gay Society
- Department for International Development DFID
- Equality Network
- Frontline AIDS
- Gay Activists Alliance international
- Gay Christian Europe
- Gay Mens Health
- Human Dignity Trust
- Imaan
- InterconnectedUK
- International Transport Workers’ Federation (associate member)
- IntersexUK (iUK)
- Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network (6Rang)
- Jewish LGBT+ Group
- Just Like Us
- Kaleidoscope Diversity Trust
- LGBT Foundation
- LGBT History Month – United Kingdom
- LGBT Humanists
- LGBT Youth Scotland
- LGBT+ Consortium
- LGBTI Solidarity with Peoples of Turkey – SPOT
- Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Bisexual and Transgender Rights – LGBT Labour
- Lesbian gay & Bisexual Anti-Violence and Policing Group (GALOP)
- London Bisexual Group
- Mermaids
- Metro Centre Ltd.
- MindOut Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) Mental Health Service
- Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons’ Trust
- National Student Pride
- National Union of Students Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans Campaign
- Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association
- OneBodyOneFaith
- Open For Business
- Osmosoft
- OutRage!
- Pink Therapy
- Press for Change
- Rainbow Jews/Liberal Judaism
- Rainbow Migration
- ReportOut
- Salford City Unison
- Stonewall Equality
- Stonewall Scotland
- Swansea Pride
- Switchboard – LGBT+ Helpline
- The Albert Kennedy Trust
- The Fire Brigades Union LGBT Committee
- The Proud Trust
- TransLondon
- Transcend Support Group
- TransgenderNI
- UK Black Pride
- UK Pride Organisers Network
- UNISON (associate member)
- UNISON – North West – LGBT Group
- UNISON – Nottinghamshire Healthcare LGBT group
- UNISON – Scotland – LGBT group
- UNISON – South West – LGBT Group
- UNISON – Stockport Local Government Branch – LGBT Group
- UNISON – Wolverhampton branch LGBT group
- UNISON East Midlands – LGBT Group
- UNISON Eastern LGBT Committee
- UNISON Greater London – LGBT group
- UNISON Lothian Health Branch
- UNISON National LGBT+ Committee
- UNISON Northern – LGBT Group
- UNISON Northern Ireland
- UNISON South East – LGBT Group
- UNISON Wales Cymru- LGBT group
- UNISON West Midlands LGBT group
- UNISON Yorkshire & Humberside Region – LGBT group
- Unite the Union
- Unite the Union (SE Region LGBT+ Committee)
- University and College Union UCU
- Wise Thoughts/Gaywise
- Anonymous organisations