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What European countries might soon start recognising non-binary people?

Interested in the current state of non-binary rights in Europe? This concise guide covers the most important updates and developments you should be aware of […]
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Joint Statement welcoming CJEU Advocate General on collection of gender binary civil titles

ILGA-Europe, TGEU and Association Mousse welcome the opinion of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union confirming that the French […]
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Remarkable and resilient Prides across Europe

Amid political turmoil, war, social issues and cultural changes, Pride celebrations in Europe continue to demonstrate the resilience and determination of LGBTI communities Today, on […]
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Our submission to the EC 2022 Rule of Law Report

Expert contributions were provided by organisations PROUD (Czech Republic), LGBT komiteen (Denmark), Inter-LGBT (France), HĂ¡ttĂ©r TĂ¡rsasĂ¡g (Hungary), KPH & Atlas of Hate (Poland), ACCEPT (Romania), […]
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Case Law

Y. v France

Recognition of non-binary identities. Submitted jointly by ILGA-Europe, OII Europe, and C.I.A. (Collectif intersexes et allié-e-s).
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European Court rules Medically Assisted Reproduction case ‘inadmissable’

The European Court of Human Rights has today made an inadmissability decision in the case of ‘Marie Charron & Ewenne Merle-Montet v France’. ILGA-Europe regret that […]
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Case Law

M.T. v. France

Refusal to grant asylum/ Risk of persecution based on sexual orientation
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Case Law

Charron & Merle-Montet v. France

Access to MAP
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Case Law

A.P. v. France, Garçon v. France, and Nicot v. France

Legal gender recognition
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Case Law

Gas & Dubois v. France

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Case Law

E.B. v. France

Individual adoption
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Case Law

Philippe Fretté v. France

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